Interesting Facts on Candles..

The professional name for a Candle maker is a ‘Chandler’ It comes from the Old French word “Chandelier”.
Currently updating CV to working as a Chandler

Candles were actually made from beef fat, insects and even whales back in the Middle Ages
None of our furry friends will ever be harmed or tested on when it comes to my candles, treatments or facials.
We use all 100% Organic, 100% Vegan, Eco-Certified and Cruelty Free products- Always!

The Catholic Church stipulates that all its liturgical candles must be at least half beeswax, because this comes from virgin bees, as Christ came from a virgin mother. 🐝

Before clocks, there were candle clocks, that when burned, indicated the passage of periods of time. To set an alarm, you pushed a nail into the desired point and the nail would fall and ‘clank’ on the metal holder to wake you up.

Brothel Candles burned for precisely seven minutes and were heavily used during Victorian times. The individual would pay the fee, light the candle and when the candle burned out, the session was over. How romantic!

Candle wax was eaten during famines. in the old days, candle wax was mainly made from animal products like beef fat. During famines, it was not unusual to have candles been stolen to be eaten by the hungry.

On Easter Sunday the Paschal Candle is lit. The term Paschal comes from the Latin word Pascha meaning ‘Passover’. It is sometimes referred to as the ‘Easter Candle’ or the ‘Christ Candle’. This represents the risen Christ, as a symbol of light (life) dispelling darkness (death).

The Founder of Aromatherapy is a French man Rene-Maurice Gattefosses.
In 1910 Rene badly burned his hand during an experiment in a perfumery plant and in a panic, he plunged his hand straight into a vat of liquid to cool it down.
This vat happened to contain Lavender Essential Oil. In doing this he discovered that the Lavender Oil helped his burns to heal and prevent scarring.
During WW1 he used oils on soldiers' wounds and discovered that they helped heal wounds and burns much faster.
In WW2 Valnet, who continued the work from Rene used lavender on soldiers' physical wounds and burns as well as their psychological disorders.


What are you inhaling…?


How Leah’s Essential Oil Candles can change your world….