How to beat Anxiety

The best way to try and beat anxiety is to stop trying to beat anxiety.
It truly is an uncomfortable feeling but that’s all it is – a feeling!
Anxiety is not your enemy, try not to fear it, try and listen to it.
Please remember feeling anxious is NORMAL. It is your bodies way in telling you that you need to pay attention.
When asking students what their biggest worry about taking their exams was, they said it was a fear that the brain would go ‘blank’ and that anxious feeling would take over.

This is where I would share one of my favourite quotes with them.
‘Anything worth doing, is worth doing badly -the first time’

So for example, you are sitting with English Paper One, and it hits you, the second heartbeat in the stomach, the panic, the sweating, your brain is foggy and you have completely forgotten how to string a sentence together.
REMEMBER ‘Anything worth doing is worth doing badly – the first time’

When you are feeling anxious, it tends to paralyze you and prevents you from making decisions.
Allowing yourself do it ‘badly the first time’ frees you up to take action, it calms the perfectionist in you and allows you to jump into it without overthinking it.
Thinking this way makes it easier to start and most of the time simply starting is the biggest hurdle isn’t it?

So jump in, Jot down words anything associated with the question involved, move on and then return to it.
When you look back, you’ll realize more often than not what you have done actually is not that bad and in turn you can build on it.
The more that you allow yourself to face a challenge without the expectation of immediate perfection, the less anxiety will control your decisions therefore screaming anxiety turn into whispers.

Trust me, give it a try.


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