Why we Place Candles on Birthday Cakes…

Throwing it back with my beautiful mama on my 1st Birthday.

Yesterday I celebrated my birthday…

I successfully completed another year around the sun and I enjoyed every relaxed bit of it ☀️

Being the superstitions individual that I am, I made my yearly silent birthday wish when blowing out the candles on my cake.

Have you ever wondered why we place candles on cakes and blow them out?

✨Starting with my favourite topic, The Ancient Greeks.

Candles were put on round cakes to honour the Goddess of the moon, Artemis. The candles represented the glow of the moon, and when the candles were blown out, the smoke carried the wishes up to the gods.

✨In Germany, in the 18th century candles on cakes became a popular tradition. For religious reasons, would place a large candle in the center of a cake to symbolize “the light of life."

✨In the past it was believed that evil spirits visited people on their birthdays. In order to protect the individual whose birthday it was, the light from the candle and the smoke helped ward off the evil spirits.

Now a days, we don’t place candles on birthday cakes to summon gods or ward off evil spirits but we still continue the tradition to make birthdays magical, entertaining and a chance to make our own quite wish. ✨

Thank you to everyone for the taking the time to send me birthday messages, cards, calls and texts. Makes a gal feel very special!

Here’s to the next wonderful journey around the sun ☀️

#birthday #birthdaywish #candles #symbol #celebration


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