My Home-Care Tips after your Massage & Holistic Treatment

My very simple tips after having a Holistic Treatment …

💦Increase the amount of water you drink every day. Drink at least 8 glasses on the day of treatment to help flush out toxins that I would have released. Not drinking the water may lead to headaches and achy muscles - trust me drink the water!!

💤After your treatment try and relax for the rest of the day.
Listen to your body if you feel you need to go to bed, go and take a nap.

🥂AVOID alcohol, smoking, caffeine, and fizzy drinks afterward as they can dehydrate your body and add more toxins. This would reverse the effects of the massage
Avoid eating a heavy meal after your massage so your body can focus on natural healing and detoxifying itself.

🛁Take a bath once a week. I highly recommend checking out for a total luxury bath experience.

🐾Find time to get out in the fresh air - even for a short walk. Hug your dog, spend time with animals

🧘🏼‍♀️Be aware of your posture!

🥗Eat regular and cut back on sugary and fatty food - eating little and often will help keep your energy up and stop you having slumps during the day.

😴Do you find it hard to fall asleep? - I always recommend clients to listen to guided meditation- I personally love listening to the Honest Guys which can be found on YouTube Light a candle a hour before going to bed. I always recommend my Lavender candle.

🙅Say 'no' a little bit more and don’t feel guilty in doing so - Guilt is a waste of time and energy.

👣When indoors go without shoes whenever possible.
Weather permitting walk with bare feet outdoors particularly on grass, sand, sea or bog.

☕️Try herbal teas

📵Take a social media detox every now and again.

💆🏼‍♀️Book another Massage and give yourself something to look forward to.


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