Top Tips for Exam Season

Exam Season!
This time of year can be very stressful for any students sitting exams.
Still to this day it brings me back to the sleepless nights, the worry, the knots in the stomach and the endless praying that what I’d revised would come up.
With all this in mind I have put together a few of my little Holistic Tips that might help support you during this uncomfortable time.

Take Deep Breaths:

Concentrating on your breathing focuses your mind therefore will help bring you to the present moment. Don’t just do this 3 or 4 times. Do it as often as you can. We underestimate the healing power of simply breathing.


Light A Candle.
Rosemary & Peppermint for study and concentration.
Scrape a bit of the wax out and carry it in a tissue, take a little inhale throughout the exams to help clear the mind and calm the thoughts.
Lavender for the bedroom. Light the candle in your room 3-4 hours before you go to sleep. Close windows and doors and let the aroma fill the room for a restful night’s sleep.


The Solar Plexus Rub (google its location on the body)

The solar plexus is a complex system of radiating nerves. It's part of the sympathetic nervous system. It plays an important role in the functioning of the stomach, kidneys and adrenal glands.

Gently rub it anticlockwise to calm nerves and encourage those butterfly feeling to all go in one direction.


Walk Barefoot in Nature

Walking barefoot connects us to the calming security of the earth. Helping to lower stress and anxiety.


Waiting to start an exam can be sometimes overwhelming. This is when a 3-3-3 technique can come in hand. Look for 3 things you can see, 3 things you can hear and 3 things you can move. Again like your breathing techniques this is an aid to bring you to the present moment.

Wear Red Underwear.

Yes you are reading this correctly.
Your Root Chakra is located at the bottom of our spine and deals with your survival and security needs.
Your Root Chakra is represented by the colour RED.
Your Aura will absorb the energy from the colour red and will help give you that extra boost, that extra bit of strength and will enhance your creativity.
It will help you to feel safe, balanced and grounded to withstand any challenges.

I also advise to wear red socks (even under tights/white socks) for an extra blast of confidence.
The power of colour- Ever notice I only wear red on my nails?
My nails are my everyday little reminder that ‘I can do this!’

Watch your tongue

You have an energy channel in your top pallet right behind your top two front teeth.
Stick the tip of your tongue there!
This will aid in better concentration and stop of flow of energy leaving.

Carry a Tiger Eye Crystal (hold it throughout the exam OR pop it in your bra or pocket)

Tiger Eye is a stone of protection, giving inner confidence and strength.
Tiger Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer. It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions.Tiger Eye keeps us calm and grounded through changes. Particularly useful for healing, dispelling fear and anxiety.

Use Rescue Remedy

This Holistic Bach Remedy provides support in times of anxiety, nervous tension and stress. It bringing a sense of focus and calm.


And of course remember to drink plenty of water, get fresh air, stretch and move, cut back (or even better cut out!)  on the sugary foods/ caffeine etc.

Reach Out…
If you are overwhelmed and anxious coming into exam season please reach out and talk to someone…


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