The Student Candle

My Candle for every Student. 
The Rosemary & Peppermint Candle.

On June 7th over 100,000 Leaving Cert and Junior Cert students will be taking their exams.

There will be long hours clocked up over the next few weeks in revising for these state exams.

I know this time of year can bring a lot of worry, anxieties and sleepless nights for so many young people (and on their families!)

When I was in the Mercy this week I was showing TY students my Rosemary & Peppermint candle. They loved it!

The Rosemary & Peppermint candle was made for students.
This candle is wonderful for helping with concentration, memory retention and helps relieve mental fatigue and lethargy.

It lifts the mood and is ideal for anyone suffering with nervous energy, especially before exams.

This candle will WAKE UP up the body and mind. It’s refreshing, stimulating and clearing.
For anyone suffering with sinus, chest infections, asthma or colds this candle is ideal to aid in clearing and decongesting the respiratory system.
Ideal for clearing headaches and migraines.

It is my go-to candle for any young person sitting exams.
For more information or to purchase just visit my website.

#exam #student #study #leavingcert #revise #juniorcert #aromatherapy #holistic


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